Monday, 14 July 2014

Out and about with the Walkers - counting down to departure

I have always loved journaling - so feel quite at home reflecting on our visit to Hands@Work in South Africa . I am struck by the wonderful way in which All Saints' stepped out in faith, and said "yes" to the diocesan project, Closing the Gap. This developing relationship has led already to such rich learning. In conversation with our partner church St Gabriel's, we both spotted a gap in our overseas commitment to those living in poverty. This encouraged us to explore opportunities with the Diocesan Director of World Mission. In the conversations that followed, we have been reunited with friends and experienced such kindness, grace and overwhelming ,generosity from the community of Streetly and friends further afield. The Walker family, Glynn, Mandy, Amelia (12) Oscar (10) go as a letter sent in love from the community of All Saints' Streetly to listen, to learn and share of ourselves.... what an adventure!


  1. Hi Mandy - this is really exciting. We've so much to learn from what you experience. Many thanks to you and the family for embarking on this journey. I'm sure all the other churches in the For Richer, For Poorer partnerships will also benefit. I'll make sure that Ruth Clay heralds your arrival, and then you can let people know about the follow-up visit in the spring. Every blessing

  2. Hi David, we are praying that this is a journey others will join as we learn and act together. Blessings, M
